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Guano as a fertilizer | Spoločnosť pre ochranu netopierov na Slovensku

Guano as a fertilizer

Guano as fertilizer

The best fertilizer is created at night – bat's guano

Bat's guano is a universal organic fertilizer, collecting from the local sources in Slovakia. According analysis the guano composes from 15% nitrogen, 1% phosphorus, 2% kalium (bat colony in Ratková, 2004). According to the experience from abroad the guano is ideal for indoor plants, vegetables, fruit trees, flowers, lawn and ornamental plants. According to the experience from Slovakia it has a repellent impact on the potato bug. 
Other features of the bat guano:

  • Guano consist a lot of vivid microbiotic flora with prevailing useful fungi and bacteria
  • Guano is a nematocide. It works in the initial stages and thus destroys small individuals. This contributes to the protection of the plant root system which is crucial for the nutrition and production.
  • Guano is a fungicide and in a competitive way fights microorganisms which cause diseases.
  • Guano consists of a high percentage (above 40%) of organic substrate.
  • Guano consist high number of exchangeable cations which increases possibilities for plant nutrition.
  • Guano has wide spectrum of chelates (natural organic-mineral materials with a high molecular weight) which secure the bat guano structural stability and create a high residual impact in the soil and substrate, where the guano is applied.
  • The composition of the guano may vary depending on the nutrition, hunting biotopes or other factors.

The way of use:

Can be applied as the guano solution (2-6 soup spoons/ 4 liters water), as leaf nutrition, for composting, for soil mixtures.


20–25 kg/100 quadrat meter of vegetables or flowers, 10–25 kg/100 quadrat meter of fruit trees, , 1 soup spoon/liter of water for indoor plants.


We recommend a voluntary contribution cca 20 EUR/for a sack (cca 10 - 30 kg according to the moisture of the guano), it is up to agreement. The contribution will be used for the maintenance and repairs of churches with occurrence of the attic colonies that produce guano. On this way, we can incredibly increase the chance for bats to use the churches in a sustainable way.