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Members and sympathizers | Spoločnosť pre ochranu netopierov na Slovensku

Members and sympathizers


Everybody can become a sympathizer of SON on a volunteer basis, without any fee obligations. Sympathizer can be even a person younger than 15 years-old and also a person other than Slovak nationality.

 Sympathizers are entitled:

  • To be invited to public events
  • To be contacted if an assistance at research and conservation activities is needed

The application is to be delivered at info@netopiere.skSurname, Family Name, Town, phone number and specify what kind of activities of SON are you interested in


Membership in SON is on a voluntary basis. A member can become a person older than 15 years. Person can be awarded also by a honorable membership (also of other than Slovak nationality). The committee of SON decides on an acceptance of new member based on recommendations of at least two existing members. As a rule, the applicant has already gained some experience in activities of SON while cooperating with current members and has basic knowledge on bat species and bat ecology.

Members are entitled:

  • To participate in activities of SON (including project activities)
  • To be invited to the plenary session of SON on a regular basis
  • To vote and to be voted in the bodies of SON (older than 18 years-old members)
  • To be informed on plans and activities of SON
  • To be supported within the program of Small membership projects
  • To be owner of the membership card
  • To be invited to public events
  • To be contacted if an assistance at research and conservation activities is needed

Members are obliged:

  • To obey all valid norms and statutes of SON, including providing data regarding the exemption of the Law on Nature and Landscape protection (members of SON are owner of the exemption)
  • To support the activities of SON
  • To pay a membership fee 10 EUR/yeartwo family members total 15 EUR/year, students and pensioners 5 EUR/year, bank details IBAN: SK34 1100 0000 0026 2278 0952 (Tatra Banka a. s.), constant symbol: 0558, specific symbol: year, remark: membership fee – surname and family name of the member

The application is to be delivered at info@netopiere.skSurname and family name, address of permanent stay, date of birth, telephone contact, T-shirt size

List of members